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Ways to improve brain performance

In the 21st century, scientists were able to understand that the size and weight of the brain does not affect the level of intelligence. After this, experiments were started, through which methods of improving brain function and developing new skills were explored. We will tell you about popular misconceptions about the brain and provide recommendations on how to improve its performance.
In the 21st century, scientists were able to understand that the size and weight of the brain does not affect the level of intelligence. After this, experiments were started, through which methods of improving brain function and developing new skills were explored. We will tell you about popular misconceptions about the brain and provide recommendations on how to improve its performance.

Myth: the brain never gets tired

Of course, because of mental work the brain can not get tired, but its concentration can affect the physical and mental state. As it turned out, to improve brain activity it is useful to listen to the sound of waves, feel the sun breeze and admire the shades of blue. It is not surprising that during a holiday near the sea, a person is able to quickly restore his strength. Try to get out more often to the sea or another pond, to walk in the woods.

Myth: drawing does not help you become a mathematical genius

When you are working on an almost impossible task, try to paint. Drawing can activate the work of both hemispheres of our brain and the solution to the problem will come sooner. It should be noted that according to the research, children better remember information in the lessons of mathematics, if they illustrate the new material in the notebooks. We also recommend drawing about 10-20 minutes a day using your left hand (if you are right handed). In a month you will notice a positive effect from such activities.

Myth: swings for children

It turned out that the vestibular apparatus can be strengthened at any age thanks to the swings. They also favorably improve the skills of spatial orientation, which is confirmed even by astronauts. Riding on a swing for 15-20 minutes several times a week can protect you from seasickness and relieve the consequences of excessive drinking.

Myth: supernormal abilities do not exist

Surprisingly, among the people who have lost any sense organ, the "sixth sense" is observed. Often, the blind can feel the space around, focusing on their ears, smell or skin receptors. Several times a week, train your "sixth sense" using earplugs or a bandage over your eyes.

Myth: chess is the best sport for the brain

In fact, the brain works better during physical training. After all, such exercises contribute to the development of hormones that affect memory, remember new information and preserve neurons. Scientists conducted an experiment among athletes, offering them in a break between the approaches to solve problems. It turned out that by engaging in physical activity, the brain copes with questions more quickly.

Myth: milk is good for the brain

It will be more useful to use other dairy products, because milk has a number of contraindications. Also, products such as wine or chocolate have a positive effect on brain activity. But the excess weight leads to the destruction of the nerve pathways and, as a result, to a decrease in brain activity.

Myth: many skills can be developed only in childhood

This is a false statement, because an adult can develop the same skills as a child. Among the surgeons are often found and those who after 30 begins to take lessons in violin playing, trying to develop fine motor skills. Do not be afraid to try those hobbies that you could only dream of in your childhood. Thanks to new skills, old neural pathways are strengthened and new ones are created, which prevents aging of the brain.

Myth: positive thinking for young and inexperienced

According to statistics, optimists are easier to cope with errors and quickly come to the final goal. And pessimism and anxiety can increase the risk of heart disease by 29%, including seizures, not to mention an increase in the risk of malignant tumors by 41%.

Myth: daily coffee consumption is good for memory

Caffeine, although it may temporarily increase brain activity, should not be abused. And you can improve memory thanks to books. Do not forget to read 1-2 books of different genres a week. It will also be useful to reread old works, "updating" the information in your brain.


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